Thursday, June 24, 2010

What you'll need.

Most of this advice involves frozen foods. Think college student. Your nutritional health is your own responsibility so watch your allergies and doctor recommendations.  But if you want something cheap and can manage a balanced dinner diet, read on.

You will either need a freezer at work or a good lunchbox in order to store your food. Some items don't need a freezer so if you can't manage to bring frozen items from home or keep them at work you should be able to find some items that work for you.

Almost all items require a microwave. Check with your employer if you can donate one to the break room if you don't have one. Walmart or Craigslist should have one for cheap.

Silverware and dishes are a good investment as well. You can bring these to work and wash them at home daily or you can keep a set at work. I have a mug, small plate, large plate, and bowl. Most items can fit on just the small plate or, in a pinch, you can use a paper towel. I have yet to use my bowl, my mug works well enough instead.

Write you name on your food or keep it safe if you have ravenous coworkers.

Next we'll get into buying strategy.

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