Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tip: Don't Eat to Beat Boredom

Somewhere in that complex brain of ours is likely a piece of code that says "default to food search" if other alternatives run low. In early mankind, in order to obtain food you had to hunt it down but now modern man barely has to lift a finger for food. Putting a spear through my TV dinner would get me odd looks at work.

In all seriousness, my brain's solution for boredom is sometimes unfortunately "eat". One way to keep your hunger in check, and thereby your wallet, is to always keep yourself occupied. Use brainteasers when you're sitting around waiting for your meeting to start. I'm sure no employer would complain if you asked your boss for a side project or came up with one yourself that was business-oriented. The more we get the "I could be eating" notion out of our heads the less food we need to buy.

Some of these might not be possible at work but here are some helpful tips:

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